Salamun 'alaik beautiful sisters!
Alhamdulillah zalikal fadhlu minallah :)
May Allah bless us with rahmah mawaddah.
As a Muslim we always put 'halal' at the very first stage in everything we deal with in this life.
Yes, 'halal' is a must and we usually refer 'halal' with what we i right?
But, 'halal' is not just about that... Halal is also about WHAT WE WEAR :)
So how to have the "HALAL WEAR" ??
= - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - =
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Yes exactly!! By covering our aurah purrrrrfectly :)
That's the best way to show to ALLAH that we love Him. As simple as that!
Peace in His love.
Peace in His love.
Awa Abaya founder
Awa Abaya founder