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Thursday, 30 October 2014

Ready stock : Qadeeja Bawal Halfmoon 60"

Assalamualaikum beautiful sisters!!

QADEEJA Bawal Halfmoon, our hot selling subtle shimmer hijab is back!! 
Comes with 23 awesome colors to meet customer's demand. 
Perfect match with printed dress or blouse. Try it, loveee it dear :)


Material: High quality shimmering chiffon

Measurement: 60' x 60' 

COMFORTABLE (all day long)
SUPERLABUH (perfect coverage)
NON TRANSPARENT (no need to wear inner)

Price: RM55/pc
Wholesale min 10 pieces with special price =)

To order: FILL IN THE ORDER FORM / SMS 019-3771857 / Whatsapp 014-9470343

Friday, 13 June 2014

Bismillah...the beginning!

Assalamualaikum sisters in deen :)

Alhamdulillah zalikal fadhlu minallah.

Lastly we have a new blog for Awa Abaya!

We are so glad to share with sisters out there our lovely and modest collections
of Superlabuh Shawls and Bawal Halfmoon, exclusive custom made abaya dress,
beautiful niqabs, handmade brooches and adorable handsocks.

Let's together be beautiful and elegant in syarie way :)

Stay tuned loveliessss, will update very soon!!

Najwa & Dinie